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Top 5 tips for new gym goers

Top 5 tips for new gym goers

Intro Looking back at when I started going to the gym many years ago, I really didn’t have a clue what I was doing. If you’re just starting out with gym training then this post will be useful for you – I’m going to run through my top 5 tips for you as a new gym user....

A popular gym supplement which you DON’T need

A popular gym supplement which you DON’T need

Supplements are a minefield It’s really hard to work out which supplements we should avoid and which are going to help us. This is made even worse by the amount of fitness influencers who push supplements claiming they are the “secret” to their good body (their actual...

Spur of the moment half marathon

Spur of the moment half marathon

Running 13.1 miles with no training… Throughout the course of this blog post I’m going to talk through why I ran the half, the advantages and disadvantages I had going in, what I learnt about my mindset and why the whole thing was a completely stupid idea. I should...

3 strategies to improve your nutrition

3 strategies to improve your nutrition

Intro Nutrition is probably the area where I focus most with my clients for a couple of reasons. Firstly, a lot of people struggle with their food intake either with eating the right foods or the right amounts of those foods. If you’re one of those people that doesn’t...

How often should I train for muscle growth?

How often should I train for muscle growth?

Training frequency for muscle growth “How often do I need to train?” I get this question a lot from prospective clients (and it’s a totally valid one to ask). Annoyingly and as if often the case, it depends. By that I mean that there are a number of factors which are...

Exercise isn’t the key to fat loss

Exercise isn’t the key to fat loss

The key to losing fat When most people think about losing weight they instantly think about going for a run or hitting the gym. However, I’d argue that nutrition is far more important for fat loss than exercise is. Let’s take a look at the below chart, which...

Motivation or Momentum?

Motivation or Momentum?

Do you need to “get motivated” or build momentum? I often speak to prospective clients who feel that they lack the motivation to get themselves fit, healthy or into great shape. I regularly hear people say things like: “I lack the motivation to go to the gym” “I’m not...

Plant-based protein

Plant-based protein

How can we increase the amount of plant-based foods in our diet without compromising on protein intake? A lot of us are consciously trying to take on more protein from plant-based sources but meat is typically much higher in terms of protein content per gram vs...

Which mistakes do I most regularly see in the gym?

Which mistakes do I most regularly see in the gym?

Training without a decent level of knowledge or guidance in the gym is tough. Below are a few common mistakes which I usually see whenever I train in a commercial gym. 1) Training with incorrect form and technique I drum it into my clients all the time that we need to...